Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Wesley!

My favorite little guy is turning 8 years old today. Wow, time flies by way to fast. It was not so long agao that he was this little shy, quiet, chubby little boy. Now he is a boy that is full of life, that loves sports, loves playing with his friends, loves reading, loves school, and still loves cuddling with his mom and dad.

You will always be our little boy!
We love you so much!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Every year during the Christmas season, we celebrate Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas Day with Paul's. For Christmas Eve we go to my grandma's. We have done this ever since I was little. This Christmas Eve my sister was able to come and spend it with us. It has been two years since she has spent with us due to her busy schedule. Wesley especially liked having her around. We go over for dinner, open presents, have yummt desserst, and go to church.

Wesley opening presents at Grandma's

We returned home after church. Wesley scattered the reindeer food and put out the milk cookies for Santa. He fell asleep so fast knowing that Santa only comes to boys and girls who are asleep. He woke up around 7:30 to open his presents from Santa. He received clothes, new shoes, books, a remote control car, and a tetherball court.

Even in the cold he went to go play with his tetherball

Later that day we headed to Hemet to spend Christmas with Paul's grandparent's and parent's. Paul's dad cooked a yummy dinner and then again we opened more presents.

We had a great Christmas. It always seems to fly by way to fast.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A boy named Wesley and his best friend

Wesley and Caleb have been friends for about 4 years. Caleb is my good friend Jill's nephew, so that is how they met. Caleb is the same age as Wesley and they are in the same grade, but have never gone to the same school and I amazed that even though they don't see each other that often they really enjoy each others company and get along so well. Anytime we go anywhere, he asks "Can I take Caleb." Here are few pictures of them in some of their many adventures.

Wesley and Caleb being so silly

Wes talking to Caleb on the phone and they are both playing Super Mario Galaxy and trying to figure out how to beat the game.

p.s. Holly you have raised a great little boy in Caleb and Wesley is lucky to have him as a friend.

Monday, December 21, 2009

A New Christmas Tradition

During the Christmas season we do many things as a family. We bake cookies, look at Christmas lights, take pictures with Santa, have get togethers with family and friends, and a new tradition that we added and hopefully will continue is ice skating. My mom, Juliana, Wesley and I took the metro to Union Station and then walked to Fellipes which a restaurant about a block away from the station and met up with Paul to have dinner. We then drove over to Persing Square to go ice skating. The weather was perfect and so was the company. This was Wesley's first time ice skating and he had a blast. Luckily my sister was there to help him. She is a much better skater than Paul and I. There was only one down fall to the trip, I forgot my camera :(.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day

I want to say a special thanks to all our veterans, especially to my hubby. He was in the Navy for 8 years and I just want to tell you that I am very proud to have you as my husband.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Praying for little Abbie

All Jill wanted was to meet a good man and have kids. Well she has terrific husband and now they are both awaiting their first child, little Abbie. Early on in her pregnancy she had some complications, but everything worked out. She started the year teaching her second grade class, but there has been a turn for the worse. She started contractions last night and the doctors can't seem to stop them. She is only 28 weeks, so if she were to deliver the outcome does not look to good. Please keep Jill and little Abbie in your prayers. We want both of Jill's wishes to come true.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Last Year I Married My Best Friend!!

One year ago I married Paul down at Crystal Cove. It was the happiest day of my life. Paul is an amazing husband and dad. He is always there for us. To celebrate we went down to Crystal Cove and had a great time. Today's weather was almost the same as last years. Sunny in West Covina, but overcast down at the beach. We walked down to the bluff where we had our ceremony at and it brought back so many wonderful memories. Paul even tried to say his vows again to me. He is such a romantic. I just found out today that my grandma and grandpa also got married on September 27. I hope that Paul and I can be as lucky as they were.

I Love You Paul!!

Go Green Lightning!!!

Soccer season has officially began for the Hamilton Family. Paul and I are coaching Wesley's team for the third season. Paul and I feel so lucky that we can share these moments as a family. Wesley is now in the U-8 boys bracket. How time flies. Like last year the rules are pretty much the same. They have goal keepers, which Wesley loves being and we don't keep score officially (we all know the boys and the parents keep score). I hope there are many more fun filled soccer seasons to come. Go Green Lightning!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

"You've Got to be Kidding Me"

Do you ever have a moment in your busy day that you look around and think, "You've GOT to be kidding me?!?" I'm sure you do. So, play along in Laci's blog carnival. It'll be fun...come on!

A Little Bit of Crazy…A Whole Lot of Love

So where do I begin. Wesley has started second grade and for the first month it was great. He was doing his homework, getting his things ready for school the night before, would get up when his alarm would go off and start the process of getting ready for school. No problems, but this week has been another story. Academically Wesley does great in school, which I am grateful and so proud of him, but responsibility and organization is another story for him.

It all started by him leaving things in his class (lunch bag, sweaters) no big deal, but when he started forgetting things like his Friday Folder and homework that is a different story. Also, being a teacher at the school does not make the situation any better. At first he thought no big deal, my mom is a teacher and I can just go back and get it from my class. The first time I let him, after that we had a talk that other students don't get that same opportunity. You forget it and you need to suffer the consequences. That was so hard for me being such a control freak and a teacher and a mom. Not a good combination. So then it happened he forgot his Math homework in class. I had to stick to my guns and had to let him suffer the consequences. That was hard for him and for me. He was upset that I wouldn't let him go back and then tried to put the blame on me. After his meltdown and my time to cooldown he accepted the consequence that was going to happen at school.

That night Paul, Wesley, and I all sat down to talk about the situations that have been happening so that they don't happen again. I also went and talked to his teacher the next morning. She totally agreed and was behind me all the way. She is big on teaching kids responsibility. I went back to the room kissed Wesley good bye and told him to have a good day at school. As I am about to walk and go get my kiddies I find Wesley's reading book on the floor in the hallway. You've got to be kidding me! Did we not just have a talk about being organized and responsible.

I know that this is only the beginning and there will be many more moments just like this. The "joys" of being a mom.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Football Season is Here!!

Well I can say that football season is officially here. Paul is a Rams fan! Yes, they are not good, but he has followed them from California to Missouri and is a "TRUE FAN". Our Sundays now will consist of Paul watching football, me grading and planning for school, blogging, cleaning, and laundry, and Wes playing with his toys and video games and running into the living room everytime he hears Paul yelling and screaming at the T.V. and asking what the score is to the games.

Monday, August 31, 2009

2nd Grade

Wow, it's hard to believe that our "little man" is in 2nd grade. Time has just flown by. He has survived his first week as so has Paul and I. He loves his teacher and has some of his friends in his class too. Here are some pictures of his first day. It has been nice that Paul has been able to take him to school on the first day of Kindergarten, First, and Second grade. We will see how long he will let Paul do that. He is growing up so fast.

A Hamilton Favorite

Since moving to my mom's we have really gotten into biking. Almost every evening we go biking around the neighborhood or to my grandmas to go swimming. We have also made it down to the beach several times and have biked on the boardwalk. Wes has also become pretty good at getting on and stopping. It took a while for him to use the hand brakes as well as for his arms to grow a little bit to be able to reach them. Now he is quite the pro.

June Lake

After 1 busy week of teaching, I finally found some time to blog. This summer we went to June Lake for vacation. Paul, Wesley, my mom, and grandma went. We stayed in cabin right off the water. It was so nice and relaxing. We spent the days fishing, boating, hiking, swimming, and relaxing. Here are a few pictures of some of the things we did on our trip.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

You've Got to be Kidding Me

Do you ever have a moment in your busy day that you look around and think, "You've GOT to be kidding me?!?" I'm sure you do. So, play along in Laci's blog carnival. It'll be fun...come on!

A Little Bit of Crazy…A Whole Lot of Love

So I am a rookie at playing "You've Got to be Kidding Me" and I am a week late at posting, but better late then never. Two weeks ago we were getting ready for our trip up to Mammoth. So on FRIDAY my mom, grandma, Wesley, Caleb (Wesley's best friend, and myself head over to Costco to pick up some things. Wesley loves to go to Costco or Sam's Club because he loves to get an ice cream and also loves to get all the yummy samples. So when he finds out that we are going to Costco he tells Caleb, "We are going to get an ice cream". I over hear his comment and tell them we need to eat lunch first, then you guys can get an ice cream. So finally we are in Costco with everyone and their mother and begin the shopping. Never go on a FRIDAY! So we are walking around and Wes and Caleb are begin to ask for ice cream and I tell them AGAIN we need to eat lunch and then you can have one. Then Wesley spots one of those ladies with the yummy samples and is all over that, then we get to another and both Wes and Caleb are over at the sample table getting some more. How could I tell them no, when I was right there behind them asking for a sample too. So finally we are done shopping and Wes, Caleb, and I head over to get some lunch and also an ice cream. We stand in line forever and then when I get to the front I remember that they only take cash. Of course. I send Wes over to my mom to get some cash, in line we go again. I order a piece of pizza for them to share and a drink for them to share and each of them an ice cream. Wes ordered the Berry Sundae and Caleb the chocolate and vanilla swirl. Thank goodness for my mom and grandma, they had found us a table so we sit down and start eating. The boys ate their pizza, well most of it and then desperately asking "Now can we eat our ice cream". I tell them yes and they both take TWO bites out of their ice cream and tell me they are done. "You have to be kidding me".

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wes the Excavater

My mom just returned from her trip to China. She brought us all gifts, but I would have to say Wesley made out. She brought him many presents, but I would have to say one of his favorites
was an excavating kit of a Tera Cota Warrior. He was s excited to see what was inside the clay. He opened up the box, pulled out the tools and got to work. I am also glad that my mom and Wes can share in these special moments.

Th Finished Product

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I knew this day would come some day. Three years ago, I began looking for a place for Paul, Wesley, and I. I came across this condo in San Dimas. When I first saw it, I knew it was perfect. The house was a little small, but the area was unbelievable. It has been our HOME for 3 years and I am a little sad that we are leaving. This was our first home and we have had so many special memories. We will be moving into my mom's house for at least a couple of months and then hopefully buying a house of our own. It will be a change for us especially my mom, but we are ALL being optimistic of the situation. Thank You Mom!!

What a BIG MESS!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Golfing with the In-Laws

On Saturday we took Paul's dad golfing for his 50th birthday. Paul's dad goes golfing regularly, but Paul, if he is lucky maybe has time to go golfing 2 times a year. Other than it being 100 degrees, we had a blast. Paul's mom and I got to drive the golf carts and snuck in a couple of holes.
Look at that concentration

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bitter Sweet Father's Day

I know I am a couple weeks late. For Father's Day we went to Palm Springs for the weekend. We left Friday afternoon and stayed till Sunday. On Friday we got there around 6 and right away Wes and his friend Dakota were begging to go to the pool. So of course we got out suits on and headed to the pool. The weather was perfect. The boys swam and Paul and I enjoyed a drink together. It seems that whenever we go places Wes meets "new friends". We met this couple from Seal Beach who had two boys. The boys hit it off and it was nice for Paul and I to have some adult company as well. On Saturday Wes woke up and came into our room and said, "I hope we find my new friends again". So at 10:00 a.m. we were off to the pool again and who do you think we ran into on our way in, but Wesley's "new friends". They played all day together. I think we finally left the pool at around 8:00. Sunday arrived and it was Father's Day. Wesley and I had given Paul his presents on Friday before we left for Palm Springs because Sunday was also the day that we were taking Wes to the airport because he was going to Missouri. We had a wonderful weekend with a bitter sweet ending. It was hard to say good bye to our little man, but he will be back with us in a month. I am counting down the days.
Wes with his buddies

Wes catching some sun

Paul is Halfway There!

My wonderful hubby just received his associates degree from Citrus. It has has been a long journey for him. Working full time, having a family, and going to school is not easy but he has stuck with it, even when times were hard. Paul is hard worker and always wants to do his best in school as well as be there for his family. I am so proud of you babe and I will be always be there to support you. Wesley was so proud of his Daddy. When Paul received his diploma Wes yelled and cheered for his Dad. It brought tears to my eyes.

Monday, May 18, 2009


This past Friday, we headed to Disneyland for my birthday. I registered online and was able to get in for free. Paul took the day off of work, Wesley missed his first day of school in 2 years, he took his best friend Caleb, and my 83 year old grandma went as well. We got there right when it opened and didn't mess around. We were on our first ride in minutes. Then our second and it continued all day. I can't remember the last time I had been to Disneyland and the lines for the rides were so short. We definitely took advantage of that. So the reason I mentioned my grandma's age, was that she was right there with us on every ride. Star Tours, Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountain, Matterhorn, and Indiana Jones, she did it ALL! She probably had the most fun out all of us. I had a great 29th birthday.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day at the Beach

Happy Mother's Day Mom and Grandma
We love you so much!

This Mother's Day started by waking up to a dozen pink roses and beautiful card from my hubby and a present and card from Wes that he made at school. Then it was off to surprise my grandma at church. I can't remember when the last time we had all been at church together. Then we had brunch at grandma's and opened some presents and then it was off to the BEACH! It was overcast, but we headed down there anyways. By the time we got there the clouds were clearing and it ended up being a beautiful sunny day at the beach. Here are some pics of us at the beach.
Paul and Wes playing in the tide pools

My wonderful husband

Wes "surfing" on his boogey board

Wes playing catch with Paul

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Open House

Last Thursday was Wesley's Open House. Being a teacher where your child goes to school has it's rewards, but it also has some bummer moments. While Open House is happening and Wes is showing off his room and all the great projects that he has done, I am in my room with my students. Luckily Paul and my mom were there for him to share his wonderful and creative room. After it was over Wes came to my room so we could meet up, and he said the sweetest thing, "Mom aren't you going to check out my room"? I answered with, "Well let's see if your teacher is still in her room". She was! He was able to show me around his room one more time. His favorite project was a clay "turtle" that he had made. He did such a great job on everything.

Wesley's "Turtle"