Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Open House

Last Thursday was Wesley's Open House. Being a teacher where your child goes to school has it's rewards, but it also has some bummer moments. While Open House is happening and Wes is showing off his room and all the great projects that he has done, I am in my room with my students. Luckily Paul and my mom were there for him to share his wonderful and creative room. After it was over Wes came to my room so we could meet up, and he said the sweetest thing, "Mom aren't you going to check out my room"? I answered with, "Well let's see if your teacher is still in her room". She was! He was able to show me around his room one more time. His favorite project was a clay "turtle" that he had made. He did such a great job on everything.

Wesley's "Turtle"


Jan said...

I love that your role as mother came so easily. I love that Wesley loves you so much that you ARE his MOM! As a stepmom, I know sometimes this is difficult for the kids to call you mom....great job Manuela, it warms my heart!! Happy Mothers Day to you.

Amy said...

That's so sweet that he calls you Mom :)