Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day at the Beach

Happy Mother's Day Mom and Grandma
We love you so much!

This Mother's Day started by waking up to a dozen pink roses and beautiful card from my hubby and a present and card from Wes that he made at school. Then it was off to surprise my grandma at church. I can't remember when the last time we had all been at church together. Then we had brunch at grandma's and opened some presents and then it was off to the BEACH! It was overcast, but we headed down there anyways. By the time we got there the clouds were clearing and it ended up being a beautiful sunny day at the beach. Here are some pics of us at the beach.
Paul and Wes playing in the tide pools

My wonderful husband

Wes "surfing" on his boogey board

Wes playing catch with Paul

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