Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fun Day at Legoland

About two years ago we went to Legoland and we had a blast so last Saturday we decided to go again. This time Wesley took his best friend Caleb. We spent Friday night at Paul's aunts and uncles house in Hemet. Then Saturday with some light drizzle we headed for Legoland. The boys were so excited that in between playing their DS's and watching Madagascar 2 on the T.V they were constantly asking us those famous words, "Are we there yet?" . Then about halfway there the weather took a turn for the worse. It started to poor. Both Caleb and Wes were a little worried that it would be raining at Legoland too, and so were we. Well just as we drove into Carlsbad the skies were a beautiful blue and there was sun. The boys were so excited they could hardly control themselves. They day ended up being so much fun! Here are some pics of our fun day at Legoland.


Dana said...

We went last summer and Braeden is VERY excited about going again soon!

Holly said...

How cute these pictures are! Thanks again for taking him :)