Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A boy named Wesley and his best friend

Wesley and Caleb have been friends for about 4 years. Caleb is my good friend Jill's nephew, so that is how they met. Caleb is the same age as Wesley and they are in the same grade, but have never gone to the same school and I amazed that even though they don't see each other that often they really enjoy each others company and get along so well. Anytime we go anywhere, he asks "Can I take Caleb." Here are few pictures of them in some of their many adventures.

Wesley and Caleb being so silly

Wes talking to Caleb on the phone and they are both playing Super Mario Galaxy and trying to figure out how to beat the game.

p.s. Holly you have raised a great little boy in Caleb and Wesley is lucky to have him as a friend.

1 comment:

Holly said...

so cute!!!! Thanks, Manuela!!