Sunday, December 27, 2009


Every year during the Christmas season, we celebrate Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas Day with Paul's. For Christmas Eve we go to my grandma's. We have done this ever since I was little. This Christmas Eve my sister was able to come and spend it with us. It has been two years since she has spent with us due to her busy schedule. Wesley especially liked having her around. We go over for dinner, open presents, have yummt desserst, and go to church.

Wesley opening presents at Grandma's

We returned home after church. Wesley scattered the reindeer food and put out the milk cookies for Santa. He fell asleep so fast knowing that Santa only comes to boys and girls who are asleep. He woke up around 7:30 to open his presents from Santa. He received clothes, new shoes, books, a remote control car, and a tetherball court.

Even in the cold he went to go play with his tetherball

Later that day we headed to Hemet to spend Christmas with Paul's grandparent's and parent's. Paul's dad cooked a yummy dinner and then again we opened more presents.

We had a great Christmas. It always seems to fly by way to fast.

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