Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bitter Sweet Father's Day

I know I am a couple weeks late. For Father's Day we went to Palm Springs for the weekend. We left Friday afternoon and stayed till Sunday. On Friday we got there around 6 and right away Wes and his friend Dakota were begging to go to the pool. So of course we got out suits on and headed to the pool. The weather was perfect. The boys swam and Paul and I enjoyed a drink together. It seems that whenever we go places Wes meets "new friends". We met this couple from Seal Beach who had two boys. The boys hit it off and it was nice for Paul and I to have some adult company as well. On Saturday Wes woke up and came into our room and said, "I hope we find my new friends again". So at 10:00 a.m. we were off to the pool again and who do you think we ran into on our way in, but Wesley's "new friends". They played all day together. I think we finally left the pool at around 8:00. Sunday arrived and it was Father's Day. Wesley and I had given Paul his presents on Friday before we left for Palm Springs because Sunday was also the day that we were taking Wes to the airport because he was going to Missouri. We had a wonderful weekend with a bitter sweet ending. It was hard to say good bye to our little man, but he will be back with us in a month. I am counting down the days.
Wes with his buddies

Wes catching some sun

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