Thursday, February 24, 2011


When Paul and I met, Wesley had just turned 4. 2 years later Paul and I got married and Wesley was 6. After we got married we began talking about having a baby. I of course wanted one right away, but Paul wanted to wait. I kept reminding Paul that I didn't want the kids to be too far apart in age. At the time we were renting a 2 bedroom condo in San Dimas that was pretty small. 2 years later we decided to move into with my mom to save some money, pay some bills off, and be finacially prepared to buy a house. We lived with her for about a year. That makes Wesley 8. While living with my mom we got pregnant. My due date was January 12. That would make Wesley 9, by the time his little sister would be born. A huge age difference. Both Paul and I were a little worried how Wesley would be when the baby was born. He had been an only child for 9 years and here comes along a baby, what would that do to him. Getting pregnant was just the push that we needed to start looking for a house. We found a house pretty fast and moved into our house in Sepetember of 2010. 4 months later Emmalyn was born. Wesley was super excited, but also didn't know quite how to act around her. As time has gone by he has adjusted and just adores his little sister. He sits next to her in the car making sure she is O.K., he helps me pick out clothes for her at TARGET (our favorite store), he likes to hold her, he loves to read books to her, and he loves to talk and play with her. Even though there is an age difference, it couldn't be more perfect. Wes is the perfect big brother and Emmalyn has a great brother to look up to.


Jan said...

Wes is certainly an awesome big brother. No doubt she will be protected and taken care of by him. Did you ever think life would be so great? Lucky you to have found Paul and Wesley....and then Emmalyn, frosting on the cake!

Dana said...

This post made me cry. SO very sweet!