Wednesday, February 2, 2011

One Month Doctors Appointment

Emmalyn had her 1 month old doctors appointment today. When she was born she weighed
6 lbs. 9 oz. and at her 2 week appointment she weighed 6 lbs. 14oz. and today she weighed a whopping 8lbs. 13 oz. She has gained over 2 pounds in 1 month. I think she takes after her daddy. She has also grown an inch. The doctor says she is doing wonderful and I can let her sleep during the night until she wakes on her own. Yay, more sleep!!!

I am so excited for her 2 month appointment to see how she is doing, but she will also be receiving her first set of shots :( and will be getting her ears pierced :). I can't wait to see her with her ears pierced. Girls are so much fun!!!

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