Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2 months old

I can't beleive my baby girl is 2 months today. She sure has gotten big. She brings so much joy and love to our family. Today she had her 2 month doctors appointment...that meant SHOTS!! She also got her ears pierced. It was really hard to see her cry after the shots and getting her ears pierced. I was so glad Paul was there. I have to admit though, she looks pretty darn cute with her ears pierced.
Here are some things that we have learned about Emmalyn.
  • She smiles all the time (especially when Wes talks to her)
  • She enjoys baths now
  • Dislikes tummy time, but we do a little everyday to get used to it
  • Loves to sit in daddy's lap and watch T.V.
  • Has begun eating from a bottle with daddy
  • Has begun talking (cooing)
  • Is sleeping through the night (yay)
  • Has begun sleeping in her crib during the day, so she (or mommy) can get used to her sleeping in her crib
  • Is now wearing 0-3 months and some 3-6 months
  • Has started to hold rattles for short periods of time
  • Weighs 10 lbs and 6 oz (36th percentile)
  • Lenght: 22 3/4 inches (60th percentile)

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