Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1 month old!!

I can't believe that our baby girl is already a month old. How time flies. She is a perfect fit into our family. We all have been adjusting quite well to having a new addition to the family. I can finally say we are on a routine and I am managing being at home with Wes and Emmalyn. Let's see how long it lasts :). During the mornings while big brother is at school Emmalyn and I keep pretty busy. Mondays we go to the grocery store. Tuesdays we go to our Mommy and Me class. Wednesdays we go for a long walk in the neighborhood with Chloe or take a stroll at Victoria Gardens. Thursdays we spend it with my mom. Fridays we clean the house and do laundry. For this first month Paul has been working part time. He has been at home on Tuesdays and Thursdays which has been wonderful, but starting this week he is back to work full time. I am loving staying at home and am not looking forward to going back to work. Luckily my mom and my mother-in-law will be taking turns watching her. These are a few things that we have learned about our little girl.
  • She dislikes baths
  • She can sleep through anything: Wesley's basketball games, the T.V., Wesley's friends playing and running thru the house
  • She is an awesome eater and eats every 3 hours
  • During the night she sleeps really well between her feedings allowing mom to get a good night sleep
  • She loves to rest her head on daddy's shoulder
  • She dislikes being swaddled, but once she is she goes right to sleep :)
  • She likes sitting in her swing, but dislikes when it starts swinging
  • She loves to listen to music
  • She is lifting her head up on her own
  • She is a sucker, but not ready to give her a pacifier yet
  • When awake she is very alert. She looks right at you with her big blue/brown eyes
  • She smiled for the first time today and is interacting more with mom, dad, Wes, and the grandparents

She has her one month appointment tomorrow. I am anxious to see what she weighs now.


Jan said...

She's a doll. Enjoy every moment,time surely does fly. Before you know it you will be planning her 1st princess party!

Holly said...

Very cool that you are writing all of this stuff down. I started doing the same on my blog!