Wednesday, March 27, 2013


We went to Disneyland a couple weeks ago.  Paul, my mother-in-law, Wesley, and Emmalyn went.  It was Emmalyn's first visit.  She was so excited.  She knows who all the characters are since she loves to watch Disney Jr.  We took Wes out of school, so that was a treat for him too.  We got there right when it opened and stayed till it closed.  It was a perfect day, the weather was beautiful and it was not crowded.  Wes was able to get on all the BIG kid rides and Emmalyn enjoyed all of her rides too. 
 Emmalyn's first ride, the Ariel ride
 She loves goofy!!
 Paul and Wes. 

Her favorite Disney character!!

It was a wonderful day!!

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