Monday, May 18, 2009


This past Friday, we headed to Disneyland for my birthday. I registered online and was able to get in for free. Paul took the day off of work, Wesley missed his first day of school in 2 years, he took his best friend Caleb, and my 83 year old grandma went as well. We got there right when it opened and didn't mess around. We were on our first ride in minutes. Then our second and it continued all day. I can't remember the last time I had been to Disneyland and the lines for the rides were so short. We definitely took advantage of that. So the reason I mentioned my grandma's age, was that she was right there with us on every ride. Star Tours, Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountain, Matterhorn, and Indiana Jones, she did it ALL! She probably had the most fun out all of us. I had a great 29th birthday.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day at the Beach

Happy Mother's Day Mom and Grandma
We love you so much!

This Mother's Day started by waking up to a dozen pink roses and beautiful card from my hubby and a present and card from Wes that he made at school. Then it was off to surprise my grandma at church. I can't remember when the last time we had all been at church together. Then we had brunch at grandma's and opened some presents and then it was off to the BEACH! It was overcast, but we headed down there anyways. By the time we got there the clouds were clearing and it ended up being a beautiful sunny day at the beach. Here are some pics of us at the beach.
Paul and Wes playing in the tide pools

My wonderful husband

Wes "surfing" on his boogey board

Wes playing catch with Paul

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Open House

Last Thursday was Wesley's Open House. Being a teacher where your child goes to school has it's rewards, but it also has some bummer moments. While Open House is happening and Wes is showing off his room and all the great projects that he has done, I am in my room with my students. Luckily Paul and my mom were there for him to share his wonderful and creative room. After it was over Wes came to my room so we could meet up, and he said the sweetest thing, "Mom aren't you going to check out my room"? I answered with, "Well let's see if your teacher is still in her room". She was! He was able to show me around his room one more time. His favorite project was a clay "turtle" that he had made. He did such a great job on everything.

Wesley's "Turtle"