Sunday, March 8, 2009

Our "Little Yankee"

Wesley has started his 3rd season of baseball and this year he is in Coaches Pitch. Don't tell him, but it so much more exciting then T-Ball. Saturday was Opening Ceremonies and they played a practice game. All the boys looked so big out on the field. They actually know what to do when the ball is hit it to them. I am so amazed that at 7 and 8 years old they look like like little pros out on the field. I also took on the crazy responsibility of being "Team Mom". I have to admit, that I really enjoy helping out and Paul is there to help me out in anyway. Thanks Babe! Here are a few pics of Wes playing in his practice game.

Yes, under all that gear is Wesley. It covered him from head to toe.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Best Friend's Wedding

On Friday, February 27, my best friend Jill married her prince charming. Jill is one of the nicest people that I have met. She had been looking for "the man" for quite some time and who new that she would meet him online. Jill and Jose started dating about a year and half ago and he proposed to her six months ago. It was a little stressful for them to plan a wedding in such a short time, but it turned out beautiful and perfect. She was a beautiful bride and I am so glad that I had the chance to be a part of it.

Wes caught the garter. He came over to Paul and I and said "I won the game". We had to break the news to him and tell him it was not a game and that by catching the garter he is the next to get married. He yelled, "AHHHH"!! I think that is the last time you will see him trying to catch the garter.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Wes' Patriotic Preformance

Every year, each grade preforms for their parents and last Thursday night it was Wesley's turn to preform for us. Since it was February, the 1st grade class sang about 5 Patriotic songs. Wesley had the honor of introducing one of the songs. He introduced and signed the introduction for "God Bless America".

Wes has come a long way. He used to be exremely shy, just like his dad and is really starting to come out of his shell. Way to go Wes!!