Monday, February 16, 2009

Wes the Dancing Machine

Paul and I were watching the Grammys and Wes heard Cold Play singing. He decided to add some choreography to their performance, by adding some of his own dance moves. What a silly boy!

Trip down PCH

My friend Suzanne, who also has a little boy Wesley's age, was watching Wes for Valentine's Day. Wes also got to spend the night. Sunday morning she called us and told us that the boys were having so much fun, that she asked if Wes could spend another night with them. At first Paul and I were a little hesitant to say "yes", since he had already spent one night with them, but when I talked to Wes on the phone he was practically begging me to say "yes", so like any good mom I said "yes". After I got off the phone I looked at Paul and asked him "So what are we going to do today"? We decided to take a little drive up the 134 to the 101 and then cut over to Malibu and then drive down on PCH and enjoy the beautiful view. We stopped along the road and decided to walk along the beach.

As were walking we saw dolphins. I tried taking a picture of them. Those two pointy things in the water are the dolphins.

After a bit of driving we were starting to get hungry, so we decided to get some dinner in Marina del Ray and we also had some time to kill, since we had to pick my mom up from the airport later that night. We stopped to eat at El Torrito which was right off the water and we had a beautiful view of the sun setting.

It was a perfect ending to a perfect weekend. Thank you Suzanne for watching Wesley. We owe you!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Happy Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day our friend's Jill and Jose came over to our house to help us celebrate. Jill and I cooked dinner for Paul and Jose. We cooked chicken kieve, a potato casserole, and corn. Then for dessert we enjoyed some chocolate covered strawberries, that Paul had given me for Valentine's Day.

Jill and I slaving over a hot stove

Paul and I about to enjoy our yummy dinner

Our friends Jose and Jill

Paul got me these delicious chocolate covered strawberries and a dozen red roses for Valentine's Day. What a sweet husband!

Monday, February 9, 2009

My "little helper"

On my day off, I decided to run some errands that I did not get to this weekend. Wes and I headed to Sam's Club to do some grocery shopping. I always make a list and try to stick to it, which is hard sometimes, especially when I take the Paul with me. Today was a little different. I had my "little helper" that made sure I stuck to the list and got all the items on the list. He also helped me to stay within our budget. At school Wes is learning to count money and is very "obsessed" with how much everything costs. He is constantly shouting out prices when we are shopping. So today, I decided to put his obsession with money to good use. I gave him a calculator and it was his job to put the cost of each item into the calculator. He loved it and it helped mommy stay within her budget. I can't believe how big he is getting.
Wes checking off the grocery list

Wes using the calculator

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What to do on a rainy day?

For the past year I have enjoyed reading my friends blogs and have always wanted to have one of my family. Since all it has been doing is raining, I thought that today would be the perfect day to just sit myself down at the computer and start a BLOG. Paul and Wes were busy watching the Laker game together and and then started playing the Wii, so I had no excuses.