Wednesday, June 13, 2012

17 Months

Here's what she's doing....
It has been a long time since I have updated Emmalyn's growth and milestones. 
Gross Motor:
*climbing up on everything
*attempting to jump and thinks that if she is on her tippy toes she thinks she is jumping (so cute)
*climbs up the stairs very well and very fast. She loves to slide down the stairs on her bottom
Fine Motor:
*loves doing simple one piece puzzles, fitting shapes into their proper hole
*pushing buttons--She loves to turn on the T.V. and says "watch" as she does it.  Loves playing with her brothers Xbox controllers and D.S.
*She loves to draw and color and can hold her pencil/marker correctly
This girl is a talking machine.  Too many words to put down, but some of her favorites are:
"nigh, night"
"baby sleeping, shhh"
Sign language:
She has mastered please, thank you, more, and milk.  I haven't really taught her more, just because her language has increased so much. 
This girl is definitely asserting her independence.  She wants to do everything herself.  She is a girl, that loves her babies, purses, and bows.

She is still on the petite side.  She only weighs 21 pounds and is 31 inches tall.  We are slowing making the transition from 2 naps to 1.  We are in love with this crazy girl and keeps us on our toes.   

Waving to everyone at Victoria Gardens

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