Sunday, October 14, 2012

Emmalyn woke up from her nap looking like this. She went to bed with a shirt, panties, and some pants, but I guess she wanted them off. This girl cracks me up. Wes was laughing so hard too!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Potty Training

So for the last 3 month Emmalyn has been potty training.  She was one to initiate it.  She first started by telling us that she had to "poo", then she started to tell us that she had peed.  I was on the fence on really going full force with it, since she was only 17 months.  I wanted to wait till I was on summer vacation so we could really get on it, but we were so busy with play dates, trips to the beach, soccer games, and vacations.  She had the poo part down, but telling us she had to pee was a different story.  Now that she is in preschool, they have a policy of you come in underwear, you stay in underwear, even for nap time.  Well, I have to say that she has done amazing.  She now tells us before she needs to go and runs to the bathroom.  It's the cutest little thing.  I am a little sad that my baby is growing up.  She continues to be so "easy".  Don't get me wrong she has some sass in her, but everything has come so "easy" with her.  I have to say that I am happy we don't have to spend the money on diapers anymore. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

Flashback Friday

I was 5 months pregnant with Emmalyn in Palm Springs. We are off to Palm Springs again tomorrow, but this time I don't think I will have time to lay out. Instead I will be following an 18 month old that will keep me pretty busy :).

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

17 Months

Here's what she's doing....
It has been a long time since I have updated Emmalyn's growth and milestones. 
Gross Motor:
*climbing up on everything
*attempting to jump and thinks that if she is on her tippy toes she thinks she is jumping (so cute)
*climbs up the stairs very well and very fast. She loves to slide down the stairs on her bottom
Fine Motor:
*loves doing simple one piece puzzles, fitting shapes into their proper hole
*pushing buttons--She loves to turn on the T.V. and says "watch" as she does it.  Loves playing with her brothers Xbox controllers and D.S.
*She loves to draw and color and can hold her pencil/marker correctly
This girl is a talking machine.  Too many words to put down, but some of her favorites are:
"nigh, night"
"baby sleeping, shhh"
Sign language:
She has mastered please, thank you, more, and milk.  I haven't really taught her more, just because her language has increased so much. 
This girl is definitely asserting her independence.  She wants to do everything herself.  She is a girl, that loves her babies, purses, and bows.

She is still on the petite side.  She only weighs 21 pounds and is 31 inches tall.  We are slowing making the transition from 2 naps to 1.  We are in love with this crazy girl and keeps us on our toes.   

Waving to everyone at Victoria Gardens

Friday, May 4, 2012

What Have We Been Up To?

These days our lives are all about soccer.  Wes made the AYSO spring select team and it is pretty intense and very time consuming.  We usually have 3-4 games every weekend depending on how well they do.  Most of the tournaments have been local, but by the end of the season we will have traveled to Arizona, San Diego, San Juan Capistrano and Huntington Beach.  We are very proud of Wesley that he has managed to keep up his grades while being so busy with soccer.  Not only is Wes playing, but I am reffing games at the tournament, so that means Paul is picking up a lot of the "mom" duties with Emmalyn.

  Emmalyn keeps us pretty busy too.  She is such a happy, silly, loving, easy going, crazy, running, climbing little girl.  She is very into taking care of her babies and stuffed animals.  She loves to feed them, change them, talk to them, and take them for walks in their stroller.  Emmalyn has become quite the talker.  She can say so many words it's amazing. 
These two are my world.  Yes they keep me very busy, but I wouldn't change it for anything. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

1 year old check-up

She had her 1 year old check-up today. She got 3 shots and a TB shot. She handled it well. Her pediatrician said that she is doing great and is very advanced for her age. He is not too concerned with her weight, but to be on the safe side we are going to be giving her toddler formula...well actually half whole milk and half formula. She is now completely done with the bottle and is using a straw sippy cup. Here are her stats:

weight: 18.02 lbs (5th percentile)
length: 29 1/2 inches (5oth percentile)
head circumference: 17 inches