Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Baby Girl!

We can't believe that a whole year has passed since you were born. The morning you were born was a special one since it was the first day of 2011. You were the perfect addition to our family. We are so blessed to have you in our lives and every day you put a smile on our face.

Since the day you were born you have been such an easy going made it going back to work that much easier. Since you were a month old you have been on a schedule and have slept through the whole night which make mommy and daddy very happy. You are working on drinking milk from a bottle to a sippy cup. You love to drink water from a straw. You are a very independent girl. You love to play with your brother and cuddle with you mommy and daddy. You are no longer eating baby food and love to eat what we eat. You are still small for your age, but I am going to try not to worry since you are meeting your milestones with no problem.

Emmalyn's milestones:
Weight: 18 pounds
Length: will update after her 1 year old appointment
Head circumference: will update after appointment

Emmalyn can:
wave bye bye and hi
blow kisses
dance by bouncing her legs and moving her head back and forth
make animal sounds: dog, cat, monkey, cow, pig, and sheep
can say: baby, ball, mama, dada, shoes, socks
can sign: all done, please, thank you, more

2 months old (just got her ears pierced)

found her feet

sitting like a big girl

loves baths

her new set of wheels

such a silly girl ( her version of a somersault)

look at ALL of those teeth (she has 8)


1 comment:

Jan said...

We need to figure out how to slow these littles down. Time is just rushing by way to quickly. She is a beauty and such a blessing. Happy Birthday Emmalyn!