Tuesday, August 9, 2011

4th Grade

Our 4th Grader

Yesterday Wesley started school. He is in the 4th grade. I can't believe my little guy is in 4th grade. He has grown so much and has become such a handsome boy. He was so excited to begin school. We did not get the teacher we requested, but that is because he qualified to be in G.A.T.E and the teacher we wanted is not the G.A.T.E teacher. He is in Mrs. Perry's class and his best friend Caleb is in his class. Mrs. Perry better watch for those two. I am looking forward to Back-to-School Night so I can meet his teacher and see what he will be learning this year. This was the first year where Wesley and myself did not start school on the same day. It was a little sad for me, but I was glad that I could be a parent and take him to school. Paul also took the day off so we could all go together.

June Lake

The last 4 summer we have visited June Lake for the summer. This summer was no different. It is always nice to get away to clean fresh air. We were very busy hiking, swimming, playing at the park, but we also found time to just relax. Here are some pictures of our trip.

Emmalyn playing in the park

Paul and Wesley swimming and swinging of the rope swing

We hiked to this amazing waterfall (4 miles )

At the top of Lembert Dome (10,000 feet)

We all had a wonderful time. Wes loves June Lake since he know all of the fun things to do and has become quite the hiker and Emmalyn was such a trooper. She usually slept or had a great time checking out the scenery from the Baby Ergo. It was also nice for Paul to get a much needed vacation.