Monday, April 18, 2011

3 Months

I know I'm a little late, but with being back at work I haven't had too much time. Emmalyn was 3 months on April 1. Being back at work has been tough, but knowing that my mom and mother in law are watching her has made it easier. Everyday she is doing new things and she is growing everyday. Here are some things we know about Emmalyn:

She absolutely loves baths and loves to make the water splash

She still likes just sitting in her swing and hitting and grabbing the toys that are hanging

Loves laying in her tent and "talking" to all the toys dangling (thank you Laci)

Loves looking at books with her big brother and especially when he reads them to her

She is sleeping in her own room (2 1/2 months old)

She continues to sleep through the night (1 month old)

She still dislikes being on her tummy, but is getting better at it

She loves watching the Lakers with her daddy

Loves being taken care of by her grandmas

Has gotten used to taking the bottle (makes mom very happy)

Loves playing with her hands and feet

I am still nursing, but it has become more challenging since all she wants to do is play and "talk" while eating (it is cute though)

She uses the pacifier to help her fall asleep

She falls asleep in her crib by herself except for her 6:00 evening nap...she wants mama to just hold her until she falls asleep

Loves grabbing Chloe's ears (Chloe is such a good dog and lets her)

She continues on being such an easy going baby (crossing my fingers it continues)

These 3 months have gone by so quickly, but one thing is for sure she loved so much by her family especially her BIG Brother.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Such a sweet post. It makes me so sad how quickly these babies grow up!