Friday, March 25, 2011


Being a mother to Wesley has been a great privilege and something I wouldn't trade in for the world. Being a mother to him changed me as a person and only prepared me to a mother to Emmalyn. I came across this poem after Emmalyn was born and loved it.

"You are the poem I dreamed of writing, the masterpiece I longed to paint. You are the shining star I reached in my ever hopeful quest for life fulfilled. You are my child. Now with all things I am blessed."-Unknown

Monday, March 21, 2011

Five Guys Burgers and Fries

There is a new fast food joint in Rancho...Five Guys Burgers and Fries! We have driven past the restaurant several times and the line has been out the door. Both Paul and I had never heard of it. So last night I came and googled it and found out it it was started in the D.C. area and had won many awards for being the best burger joint. I called my sister up to see if she had been there, since she had lived in D.C. for 5 years. She said it was delish. Today being a rainy day and Wes being on Spring Break I thought that maybe it wouldn't be as crowded. Well today the line wasn't out the door, so we decided to eat there. My uncle Raul who is down from Seattle met us there.

Not sure if it's better than In-n-Out, since I have only eaten there once, but it was delicious.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Wonderful Father

Paul is a wonderful husband, but more importantly he is a wonderful dad. He is a busy person, but always has time for his children. He works long hours and goes to school and I know is exhausted when he comes home, but he never shows it when he is hanging out with Wes and Emmalyn. He is never too tired to play with Wesley, listen to him read, and coach his soccer team or too tired to change Emmalyn's diapers, hold her, feed her, or play with her. I love that he is such a devoted father and is always willing to help me out. Paul, thank you for all your help.

Emmalyn has found her hands!!

I love that Emmalyn is becoming more aware of her environment as well as her body. The latest is she has found her hands. She constantly is sucking on them and not very quietly either.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Thank You

First of all, let me start by saying that Wesley is an awesome student. He loves to go to school, loves learning, loves to be challenged, and loves to read. I have been there along the way to guide and help him in every way possible. Last Wednesday he got his report card. He did very good. Last Friday he had his award assembly at school. He received every award. Monday night he came home from school with his home project grade: 100 %. Monday night right before he went to bed he handed me a letter. This is what he wrote:

Thank you for helping me get good grades MOM!!
Love Wesley
I am glad that he does so well in school, but what melts my heart is that he is such a thoughtful and caring boy with EVERYONE.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2 months old

I can't beleive my baby girl is 2 months today. She sure has gotten big. She brings so much joy and love to our family. Today she had her 2 month doctors appointment...that meant SHOTS!! She also got her ears pierced. It was really hard to see her cry after the shots and getting her ears pierced. I was so glad Paul was there. I have to admit though, she looks pretty darn cute with her ears pierced.
Here are some things that we have learned about Emmalyn.
  • She smiles all the time (especially when Wes talks to her)
  • She enjoys baths now
  • Dislikes tummy time, but we do a little everyday to get used to it
  • Loves to sit in daddy's lap and watch T.V.
  • Has begun eating from a bottle with daddy
  • Has begun talking (cooing)
  • Is sleeping through the night (yay)
  • Has begun sleeping in her crib during the day, so she (or mommy) can get used to her sleeping in her crib
  • Is now wearing 0-3 months and some 3-6 months
  • Has started to hold rattles for short periods of time
  • Weighs 10 lbs and 6 oz (36th percentile)
  • Lenght: 22 3/4 inches (60th percentile)