Sunday, January 24, 2010

Our Cuddle Bug

As some of you know we have gotten a dog. Wes has been asking about a dog for quite some time and he finally got his wish. Chloe was given to us by our neighbor. She got her around Christmas time and realized she did not have enough time for her. She knew that Wes wanted a dog so one day when Wes was playing basketball outside she told him, "If your mom says yes, you guys can have the dog". What adult says that to a kid! So of course Wes came running to us asking us to say "yes". He told us that he would feed her and walk her, but he would not pick up her "poops". So after Paul and I talked about it, Wes has a his dog. As for Paul it is not his ideal dog, but as you can see from the pics, she has grown on him.


Holly said...

she's so cute! How old is she?

The Hamilton Family said...

She is a little over a year. We are still working on the potty training and sleeping in her own bed, wow she sounds like a toddler. She ia so worth it.