Thursday, September 17, 2009

"You've Got to be Kidding Me"

Do you ever have a moment in your busy day that you look around and think, "You've GOT to be kidding me?!?" I'm sure you do. So, play along in Laci's blog carnival. It'll be fun...come on!

A Little Bit of Crazy…A Whole Lot of Love

So where do I begin. Wesley has started second grade and for the first month it was great. He was doing his homework, getting his things ready for school the night before, would get up when his alarm would go off and start the process of getting ready for school. No problems, but this week has been another story. Academically Wesley does great in school, which I am grateful and so proud of him, but responsibility and organization is another story for him.

It all started by him leaving things in his class (lunch bag, sweaters) no big deal, but when he started forgetting things like his Friday Folder and homework that is a different story. Also, being a teacher at the school does not make the situation any better. At first he thought no big deal, my mom is a teacher and I can just go back and get it from my class. The first time I let him, after that we had a talk that other students don't get that same opportunity. You forget it and you need to suffer the consequences. That was so hard for me being such a control freak and a teacher and a mom. Not a good combination. So then it happened he forgot his Math homework in class. I had to stick to my guns and had to let him suffer the consequences. That was hard for him and for me. He was upset that I wouldn't let him go back and then tried to put the blame on me. After his meltdown and my time to cooldown he accepted the consequence that was going to happen at school.

That night Paul, Wesley, and I all sat down to talk about the situations that have been happening so that they don't happen again. I also went and talked to his teacher the next morning. She totally agreed and was behind me all the way. She is big on teaching kids responsibility. I went back to the room kissed Wesley good bye and told him to have a good day at school. As I am about to walk and go get my kiddies I find Wesley's reading book on the floor in the hallway. You've got to be kidding me! Did we not just have a talk about being organized and responsible.

I know that this is only the beginning and there will be many more moments just like this. The "joys" of being a mom.


Holly said...

I've had so many of those moments! Wesley is a good kid and eventually the responsibility will be easier for him.

Holly said...

by the way, I love your new page!