Friday, May 4, 2012

What Have We Been Up To?

These days our lives are all about soccer.  Wes made the AYSO spring select team and it is pretty intense and very time consuming.  We usually have 3-4 games every weekend depending on how well they do.  Most of the tournaments have been local, but by the end of the season we will have traveled to Arizona, San Diego, San Juan Capistrano and Huntington Beach.  We are very proud of Wesley that he has managed to keep up his grades while being so busy with soccer.  Not only is Wes playing, but I am reffing games at the tournament, so that means Paul is picking up a lot of the "mom" duties with Emmalyn.

  Emmalyn keeps us pretty busy too.  She is such a happy, silly, loving, easy going, crazy, running, climbing little girl.  She is very into taking care of her babies and stuffed animals.  She loves to feed them, change them, talk to them, and take them for walks in their stroller.  Emmalyn has become quite the talker.  She can say so many words it's amazing. 
These two are my world.  Yes they keep me very busy, but I wouldn't change it for anything.