Tuesday, July 19, 2011

6 month photo shoot

Thank you Stephanie. You did an amazing job!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Baby Bullet

This past weekend I went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and purchased the Baby Bullet to make Emmalyn's baby food. I was so excited to open the box to see all the fun gadgets it comes with and read the nutrition guide to see how to actually make the food. After reading the guide, I was ready to get started. First on the menu was pears and sweet potatoes (she has already eaten store bought pears and sweet potatoes and loved them, so I knew that was a good fruit and veggie to start with), avocados, and brown rice. I hope she is as excited to eat her new food as I am to make it.

Waiting patiently for mom (not she is trying to grab everything in site that was on the table)

Her face after eating her first bite of avacado. She loved it!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Flashback Friday

Here is a picture of Wesley when he was a baby. He was adorable.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy 1/2 Birthday Emmalyn!!

My baby girl is 6 months old. Where has the time gone :(!?! Emmalyn is a happy and easy going baby. She is on the small size in weight (14 lbs). When she was born she was 6 lbs 9 oz. and she was gaining weight really well until the 5th month. I was very concerned and wasn't sure what I was doing wrong since I am nursing her. She never cried that she was hungry after her feedings and continued to sleep through the night. She hit a little road block, so her doctor suggested we try some baby food and she is right back on track. In 3 weeks she gained a pound. Her length is normal (26 inches). Developmentally she is sitting all by herself, rolling front to back and back to front, babbling and yelling up a storm, attempting to crawl, and can grasp objects very well. Her doctor also said that she should be walking before her 1st birthday. Enough about her developmental milestones. She is a girl that is always laughing, adores her brother, loves to get a reaction out of people , loves to torment Chloe, and wants to grab everything in site and when she does it does straight to her mouth. We love our baby girl so much. Oh yea, she also is getting her first tooth. We can see that little tooth's tip.

Sitting like a big girl

Loves to go swimming

Loves her Jumparoo