Monday, August 31, 2009

2nd Grade

Wow, it's hard to believe that our "little man" is in 2nd grade. Time has just flown by. He has survived his first week as so has Paul and I. He loves his teacher and has some of his friends in his class too. Here are some pictures of his first day. It has been nice that Paul has been able to take him to school on the first day of Kindergarten, First, and Second grade. We will see how long he will let Paul do that. He is growing up so fast.

A Hamilton Favorite

Since moving to my mom's we have really gotten into biking. Almost every evening we go biking around the neighborhood or to my grandmas to go swimming. We have also made it down to the beach several times and have biked on the boardwalk. Wes has also become pretty good at getting on and stopping. It took a while for him to use the hand brakes as well as for his arms to grow a little bit to be able to reach them. Now he is quite the pro.

June Lake

After 1 busy week of teaching, I finally found some time to blog. This summer we went to June Lake for vacation. Paul, Wesley, my mom, and grandma went. We stayed in cabin right off the water. It was so nice and relaxing. We spent the days fishing, boating, hiking, swimming, and relaxing. Here are a few pictures of some of the things we did on our trip.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

You've Got to be Kidding Me

Do you ever have a moment in your busy day that you look around and think, "You've GOT to be kidding me?!?" I'm sure you do. So, play along in Laci's blog carnival. It'll be fun...come on!

A Little Bit of Crazy…A Whole Lot of Love

So I am a rookie at playing "You've Got to be Kidding Me" and I am a week late at posting, but better late then never. Two weeks ago we were getting ready for our trip up to Mammoth. So on FRIDAY my mom, grandma, Wesley, Caleb (Wesley's best friend, and myself head over to Costco to pick up some things. Wesley loves to go to Costco or Sam's Club because he loves to get an ice cream and also loves to get all the yummy samples. So when he finds out that we are going to Costco he tells Caleb, "We are going to get an ice cream". I over hear his comment and tell them we need to eat lunch first, then you guys can get an ice cream. So finally we are in Costco with everyone and their mother and begin the shopping. Never go on a FRIDAY! So we are walking around and Wes and Caleb are begin to ask for ice cream and I tell them AGAIN we need to eat lunch and then you can have one. Then Wesley spots one of those ladies with the yummy samples and is all over that, then we get to another and both Wes and Caleb are over at the sample table getting some more. How could I tell them no, when I was right there behind them asking for a sample too. So finally we are done shopping and Wes, Caleb, and I head over to get some lunch and also an ice cream. We stand in line forever and then when I get to the front I remember that they only take cash. Of course. I send Wes over to my mom to get some cash, in line we go again. I order a piece of pizza for them to share and a drink for them to share and each of them an ice cream. Wes ordered the Berry Sundae and Caleb the chocolate and vanilla swirl. Thank goodness for my mom and grandma, they had found us a table so we sit down and start eating. The boys ate their pizza, well most of it and then desperately asking "Now can we eat our ice cream". I tell them yes and they both take TWO bites out of their ice cream and tell me they are done. "You have to be kidding me".